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Hong Kong Museum of Art|Xu Bing in Hong Kong: Eying East, Wondering West — Square Word Calligraphy Classroom
Following Xu Bing's appointment as Hong Kong's Ambassador for Cultural Promotion in 2024, "Xu Bing in Hong Kong: Square Word Calligraphy" marks the renowned artist's inaugural commissioning art initiative in the city. One of the featured programmes of the project is the "Eying East, Wondering West — Square Word Calligraphy Classroom" exhibition.
Square Word Calligraphy, a form of writing Xu Bing began developing in 1993, in which English is written to resemble Chinese characters. This writing system highlights the interplay between Eastern and Western cultures, aligning with Hong Kong's vibrant cultural tapestry. This exhibition invites the audience to explore Square Word Calligraphy from three perspectives: "Appreciation", "Learning" and "Application", encouraging them to reflect on language and culture, challenges fixed ways of thinking, and sparking creativity through the switching between languages. Xu Bing has especially incorporated Hong Kong's distinctive linguistic features in the exhibition, further enriching the meaning and interpretation of Square Word Calligraphy and opening up new possibilities for intercultural and interlingual communication.
Throughout the exhibition, the prominent area on the glass canopy at the entrance of the Hong Kong Museum of Art transforms its style, presenting the museum's name and mission in the form of Square Word Calligraphy, enhanced with interactive augmented reality effects. "Connect Art to People" is one of the missions of the museum, aligning perfectly with Xu Bing's belief in making art accessible to everyone. Presenting this phrase in the form of Square Words embodies the museum's curatorial approach, which embraces a wide world of contrasts, from old to new, from East to West.
Date and Location
Sat, Sun and public holidays 10:00am - 9:00pm
Christmas Eve and Lunar New Year's Eve 10:00am - 5:00pm
Closed on Thur (except public holiday) and the first two days of the Lunar New Year